23 September 2008

Finally Getting Settled

Hi everyone,

It has been a blitzkrieg these past few weeks as we have settled in to our home in Mississippi. Most of the boxes are unpacked or in storage until we decide to purchase a home, probably in about 2 1/2 years. While the home we are living in on campus is small, we have a large front and back yard, ample space between us and the neighbors, and a very modest rent for the area. We estimate it would cost at least $400 a month more to buy even an older, small home in town. Since most of the payment goes to interest for 10 years, we're better off banking the excess and using it for a down payment when the time comes.

We had a birthday party for Grace today with three families from our new church. It was a short party but gave Grace a chance to play with some other kids for a little while. Her actual 2nd birthday was on the 16th but we didn't have time to invite people over before that date so today worked out better.

I've been doing some writing on my dissertation, but not nearly enough. I'm hopeful now that things are settling down I'll be able to go to campus each day and spend the better part of the day writing. I've also got to prepare my PhD seminar for the spring semester, and, oh yeah, prepare a paper for presentation at a conference in New Orleans in January. Whew! Then there is the family stuff. Wow, I'm getting tired already.

Kate is thinking about getting a Master of Arts in teaching so she can teach high school in the area. The program requires her to take 6 units in the spring and next summer. Then she has to find a teaching job and take classes each of the next two summers to complete the degree. Once she's done we'll both have a fair amount of time off in the summer for travel.

Well, it is off to dinner now, hope everyone is doing well. Drop us a line if you'd like our new address so we can keep in touch.



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